STANDOUTEDU’s Contribution to Safer Gambling Awareness

STANDOUTEDU participated in Safer Gambling Week (7-13 October 2024), making meaningful contributions to promote responsible gambling and raise awareness about the potential harms of gambling. Over the course of several days, our team was actively involved in various initiatives aimed at educating and engaging the public on this crucial issue.

We kicked off our involvement by attending the Safer Gambling Conference, where Christina Christoforou from the National Betting Authority shared crucial insights on promoting responsible gambling in Cyprus. Her presentation emphasized the importance of creating a safer gambling environment and highlighted the progress made so far. To ensure these valuable insights reached a wider audience, we wrote an article to disseminate the National Betting Authority’s important work across our platforms.

The following day, our team gathered to discuss the insights from the conference. Inspired by the information, we launched our own mini campaign. Each member of our team shared a personal message about responsible gambling, which we captured and uploaded to our social media channels to raise awareness. This initiative helped spread the message of responsible gambling.

Contribution to Safer Gambling Awareness - team workTo take our efforts further, we hosted a workshop to explore the profound impact gambling can have on young people. During the session, we examined the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional signs that often indicate gambling-related harm. Guided by our facilitator, participants engaged in thoughtful discussions and participated in a powerful role-playing exercise, where they walked in the shoes of a young person facing gambling challenges. This exercise fostered empathy and sparked meaningful conversations on recognizing early signs of gambling harm and supporting those at risk.

We also used our platforms to highlight the Gambling Free Feed project, which offers practical tools and resources aimed at helping individuals and communities understand and combat gambling addiction. Through a series of informative visuals shared online, we made these resources accessible to the public, reinforcing the importance of knowledge in preventing gambling-related harm.

Our efforts during Safer Gambling Week reflect not just a momentary campaign, but a long-term commitment to responsible gambling. We remain committed to spreading awareness and advocating for responsible gambling practices.

stephania ioannidou profile

Stefania Ioannidou

Digital Media Manager

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