- Code: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000088097
- Category: Wellbeing & Mindfulness
Digital Wellbeing As A Crucial Element To Excelling At The Workplace In A Healthful And Sustainable Way
DigiWell project is about achieving digital wellness at the workplaces. Daily technology use at work include use of computers, labtops, smartphones, and digital tools, software and applications. Interaction with technology, however, may have negative impacts on physical and mental health of employees, as well as social and economic impacts for companies and organisations.
DigiWell project addresses the need to improve the working conditions of employees by alleviating the negative impacts of technology and displays ways of achieving better interaction with technology including the role and responsibilities of a Digital Wellbeing Manager in an organisation.
General Objectives
- GO1: to display the current state digital wellbeing at the workplaces in partner countries
- GO2: to train VETs in order to train employers, managers, line managers, C-suites, HR and business consultants on how to achieve digital wellbeing for their employees at the workplaces
- GO3: to prepare training material for VETs, that consists of ways of how to overcome digital overwhelming of employees and circumvent its negative consequences that affect their physical and mental health
- GO4: to outline the profile and responsibilities of the Digital Wellbeing Manager including the key competences that are required to establish digital wellbeing at the workplace
- GO5: to achieve digital wellbeing at the workplace and thus improve working conditions of employees
Organization Name | Country |
STANDO LTD | Cyprus |
GESEME | Spain |
SOSPED | Finland |
PNEVMA | Bulgaria |
SOSU | Denmark |
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.