I’m Just Like You
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a range of conditions characterised by some degree of impaired social behaviour, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.
According to the World Health Organization it is estimated that worldwide one in 160 children has an ASD. This estimate represents an average figure, and reported prevalence varies substantially across studies. Some well-controlled studies have, however, reported figures that are substantially higher.
The prevalence of ASD in many low- and middle-income countries is so far unknown. The health-care needs of people with ASD are complex and require a range of integrated services, including health promotion, care, rehabilitation services, and collaboration with other sectors such as education, employment and social care.
ASDs may significantly limit the capacity of an individual to conduct daily activities and participate in society. ASDs often negatively influence the person’s educational and social
attainments as well as employment opportunities.
Main Objectives:
The main objective of our project is to develop a guideline and application for our target groups, containing concrete ideas, recommendation and examples of suitable educational activities for children with special needs and to improve the skills of the target groups in the field of integrating special need children into regular school activities.
The specific objectives of the project:
• Improve the quality of health care services to the population with disabilities al local as well as at European Union level the teachers and educators of our organizations to be professionally educated and to increase their qualities as inclusive teachers
• Increase their knowledge of students with disabilities, autism and other risk group of students involved in mainstream education, learn to assess the specifics of students with disabilities, autism and other risk group of students involved in mainstream education
• To learn with hands-on activities on how to conduct a preference assessment in order to identify students’ motivations and preferences
• To learn about the ABA method and learn strategies for dealing with challenging behavior in the classroom
• To learn strategies that use positive reinforcement to help successfully manage challenging behaviors not only for children with ASD but for the entire classroom
• To increase their awareness and acceptance of at-risk students (with socio-emotional problems, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, developmental disabilities, autism, etc.)
Organization Name | Country |
PIRINSKI ORLI | Bulgaria |
STANDO LTD | Cyprus |
SOU GOCE DELCEV | Macedonia |
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.