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Emotional Intelligence

The essential ingredient for a healthier, happier and successful life

73 Students
5 Day Course

Course Description

In today’s fast-paced world, success is often measured by tangible achievements and professional accomplishments. But, true success encompasses much more: a deep understanding and mastery of emotions, and the ability to navigate the complex landscape of human relationships with empathy, resilience, authenticity. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth.

Participants will learn how to recognise and manage their own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of their students in a positive and constructive manner.

Specifically, the training course will focus on the following:

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Defining EQ and its significance in personal and professional success. Historical context and evolution of the concept

Components of Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy Social skills

The Science Behind Emotional Intelligence

Neurobiology and emotions. How emotions influence behavior and decision-making

The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence

Recognising and understanding our own emotions. Identifying emotional triggers and patterns

Tools and Techniques for Self-Reflection

Journaling and self-assessment exercises. Mindfulness and meditation practices

Emotion Regulation Strategies

Techniques to manage and control intense emotions. Coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety

Impulse Control and Decision-Making

Making rational choices in the heat of the moment. Avoiding impulsive reactions

Understanding Empathy

Empathy as a bridge to understanding others. Differentiating between sympathy and empathy

Active Listening and Non-Verbal Communication

Techniques for truly hearing and comprehending others. Reading body language and facial expression

Building and Nurturing Relationships

Communication skills for effective interactions. Conflict resolution and negotiation technique

Training Program

Dates and Program may be subject to change
Emotional Intelligence - Erasmus Day 1

Day Activities

Emotional Intelligence - Erasmus Day 2

Day Activities

Emotional Intelligence - Erasmus Day 3

Day Activities

Emotional Intelligence - Erasmus Day 4

Day Activities

Course final day

Day Activities

Learning Objectives


Interactive Workshops

Engaging in group activities & discussions to encourage active participation and application of concepts.

Case Studies & Scenarios

Real-world situations to analyse and apply emotional intelligence principles in various contexts.

Role-Playing Exercises

Simulated scenarios to practice empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution skills.

Self-Assesment Tools

Questionnaires and reflective exercised to help participants gauge their own emotional intelligence levels & progress

Upcoming Sessions

Note: If you are a group of 4 or more people from the same organization and you don’t see any dates that suit your group, send us an e-mail with the proposed dates and we will make the appropriate arrangements for you!
Start DateEnd Date
September 16, 2024September 20, 2024
October 7, 2024October 11, 2024
November 11, 2024November 15, 2024
December 9, 2024December 13, 2024
February 10, 2025February 14, 2025
March 10, 2025March 14, 2025
March 31, 2025April 4, 2025
May 12, 2025May 16, 2025
June 30, 2025July 4, 2025
July 14, 2025July 18, 2025
August 4, 2025August 8, 2025
September 15, 2025September 19, 2025
October 20, 2025October 24, 2025
November 17, 2025November 21, 2025
December 8, 2025December 12, 2025

Course Packages


€ 400
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
Suitable to participants who choose to handle their own transportation


€ 450
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
All Lunches
Suitable to participants who choose to handle their own transportation


€ 880
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
All Lunches
Daily Transportation: Hotel - Venue - Hotel
Value for Money 2* Hotel Room (5 days – 4 nights)
Breakfast Buffet
Complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and snacks (24/7)

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Fill out the form below to express your interest or ask any questions you may have. Our training coordinator will get back to you with more information and the application process. We look forward to assisting you and having you join our program!

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Talk To Us!

Fill out the form below to express your interest or ask any questions you may have. Our training coordinator will get back to you with more information and the application process. We look forward to assisting you and having you join our program!