

Digital skills and competence development towards the integration of young women into the labor market


The purpose of the project is an international synergy between 5 European organisations with the need TO DEVELOP THE DIGITAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES OF YOUNG WOMEN TO INCREASE THEIR OPPORTUNITIES OF INTEGRATION INTO THE LABOR MARKET. The target groups are youth workers, trainers, ICT and digital technology experts involved in youth education belonging to partner groups, as well as lowdigital skilled women and young women belonging to disadvantaged groups (i.e. women living in remote areas, refugees, migrants).

To fulfill this need, the following objectives have been set:
1. To increase the professional development in digital skills and competences of each partner by means of 4 Short-term joint staff training events.
2. To strengthen the networking among partners by developing a website named YoungWomen@Work, including best practices in digital skill acquisition, discussion forums, flipped classroom, flashnotes, screen capture videos of tutors giving online 171
tutorials, ebooks, etc,
3. To launch an awareness-raising campaign – YOUNG WOMEN@WORK.

The objectives will be achieved through:*4 Shortterm joint staff training events during which the target groups will learn 4 MODULES in the form of workshops: 1.Digital Literacy – Women Catching Up, 2. Netiquette & Dangers of the Web, 3. Digital Business Skills, 4. Online Marketing Strategies
