Green Element
- Code: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000087087
- Category: Environment, Sustainability
GreenELEMENT, Green Ecological LEad for sMall and MEdium-size eNTerprizes
The “GreenElement” project, under the KA220-VET initiative, aims to develop green business leadership competencies among SME leaders through comprehensive training and innovative tools. The needs analysis reveals a significant gap in green policy knowledge and sustainable practices among SME leaders. This project addresses this gap by creating a curriculum, e-handbook, and e-learning platform focused on sustainability and environmental awareness.
The impact is substantial, promoting long-term sustainability in business practices and enhancing the leadership skills of SME leaders. Key project results include the development of a Green Business Leadership Framework, an e-handbook, and an e-learning platform, along with increased visibility and awareness of green practices through strategic communication and dissemination efforts.
General Objectives
- GO1: Investigate the current situation of Green Business Leadership key competencies for SME leaders.
- GO2: Define the basic principles for the project’s framework on which the development of WP3, WP4, and WP5 will be based.
- GO3: Develop and share good practices gained by the organizations involved to create a collective work through educational training activities, project meetings, and multiplier events.
- GO4: Raise awareness of the importance of green policies and practices among SMEs.
Organization Name | Country |
STANDO LTD | Cyprus |
PNEVMA LLC | Bulgaria |
GODESK S.R.L. | Italy |
Det dansk-italienske Handelskammer i Danmark | Denmark |
Nefinia | Netherlands |
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.