

“Mindfulness Based Art Therapy as Effective Tool to Improve Mental Health of Seniors in the Context of COVID19 Pandemic MBAT4Seniors”


The main goal of this project is to give adult educators, who work with seniors, comprehensive materials on using MBAT to help improve the mental health of people aged 65 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the project aims to provide seniors with a simple and accessible tool on how to use MBAT in their daily lives.

More specifically, the project’s objectives are the following:

  • To create a customized MBAT training package for adult educators and seniors, available on an e-learning platform and Android app.
  • To improve the mental health and well-being of seniors.
  • To promote circular economy practices among adult educators, seniors, and stakeholders.
  • To establish an international network of adult education organizations working with MBAT.

The target group includes adult educators such as geriatric psychologists, nurses, social workers, lecturers, coaches at Third Age Universities, adult education centers, coaching centers, artists, and art therapists who provide educational and psychological help for seniors. The beneficiaries of the projects are seniors aged 65 and older.

To achieve the project’s goals, the partners carried out the following activities/results:

  • Researched the impact of MBAT on seniors’ mental health and map out possibilities.
  • Developed an innovative training package for adult educators and seniors, including a training program and a toolkit for everyday use.
  • Created a project website and prepare an e-learning platform and mobile app to teach MBAT techniques for use on personal computers, tablets, or mobile phones.
  • Created an MBAT4Seniors YouTube channel and uploaded videos with a variety of techniques that will guide seniors into
  • Tested the MBAT4Seniors educational package in all partner countries.
  • Held local workshops for seniors on using MBAT to promote the project and demonstrate the project’s results.

*All project results are available in the following languages; English, Lithuanian, Greek, Spanish, Danish, Polish and Turkish.


Want to learn more about the project and access its results? Click the buttons below to access the project’s website and Facebook page.