Empowering Youth for Active Citizenship: A Pathway to Democratic Engagement

As part of Erasmus+ week celebrations starting on 14th October, STANDOUTEDU is excited to highlight our initiatives promoting active citizenship and democratic engagement among young people. Our focus on fostering youth participation aligns with Erasmus+ Programme’s mission to enhance civic engagement, social inclusion, and the development of key competences needed for active democratic participation.

At STANDOUTEDU, we believe in empowering youth through both formal and non-formal education. By providing young people with the tools and platforms to participate in democratic life, we ensure they are prepared to become the next generation of engaged citizens. Through a combination of innovative projects, we aim to promote unity, diversity, and intercultural dialogue, reflecting the core values of the European Union.

This year, we are showcasing three remarkable Erasmus+ projects that inspire young people to be active in their communities and beyond:

The ScrollOff project focuses on helping youth workers support young people in identifying and combating gender-based disinformation and hate speech on social media platforms. By addressing the growing influence of harmful online content, this project promotes responsible digital citizenship and strengthens young people’s role in protecting democratic values.

Through the project, an interactive Reference KeyBook for youth workers is developed, alongside workshops that provide practical, hands-on experience in dealing with online harms. These tools ensure that young people are equipped with critical thinking and media literacy skills, empowering them to take an active stand in the digital space against harmful narratives.

The IncludeME project addresses the challenges faced by young migrants and refugees who have experienced interrupted or inadequate formal education. This project promotes civic engagement by providing educational opportunities tailored to the needs of marginalized youth, helping them integrate into their host societies and actively participate in democratic processes.

By creating an extensive educational package and digital tools, such as an interactive e-learning platform, the project enables young migrants and refugees to enhance their skills and knowledge, fostering their inclusion in both educational and civic life.

The VR-ACE project enhances the employability of young jobseekers through Virtual Reality (VR) simulations of real-world job interview scenarios. By improving young people’s job interview performance and overall employability skills, VR-ACE not only supports economic independence but also fosters social inclusion and active democratic participation.

The project delivers a comprehensive curriculum and handbook for youth workers, providing guidance on how to implement the VR training and support young people in their transition to the labor market. This contributes to broader societal engagement, as youth are encouraged to participate more fully in civic life through their economic empowerment.

At STANDOUTEDU, we believe that inspiring youth to become active citizens is essential for building vibrant communities. Our Erasmus+ projects, including ScrollOff, IncludeME, and VR-ACE, provide innovative platforms that encourage young people to explore their potential and engage meaningfully with societal challenges. By fostering a spirit of collaboration and creativity, we are not only shaping future leaders but also cultivating a culture of participation where every voice matters. Through these initiatives, we aim to spark a lifelong commitment to civic engagement that transcends borders and empowers young people to make a difference

menelaos lambis profile

Menalaos Lambis

Proposal Writing Coordinator

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