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Immigrants And Refugees

Lifting barriers to inclusion through Non-Formal Education

103 Students
5 Day Course

Course Description

The course aims to support participants (teachers, educators, youth mentors, VET trainers) to deal with learners with a refugee background, and lack often the language skills or suffer from war traumas that become a barrier to their full integration to their “new” home. Educators confronted with such issues have to be better prepared to know how to deal with these learners to reduce the current high drop out from education. Thus, each educator must be supported and trained about refugee’s rights, overcoming language barriers, mental health, etc. so that they are able to engage them in building connections, foster emotional skills, develop social skills and dealing with discrimination in everyday life. The main theme of the training will be focused on raising awareness of the realities, possibilities and new tools for building a more inclusive society, away from marginalization and against social exclusion.

Training Program

Dates and Program may be subject to change
Immigrants And Refugees - Erasmus Day 1

Day Activities

Immigrants And Refugees - Erasmus Day 2

Day Activities

Immigrants And Refugees Erasmus Day 3

Day Activities

Immigrants And Refugees - Erasmus Day 4

Day Activities

Course final day

Day Activities

Learning Objectives


Empathy Mapping Exercise

- Participants must put themselves in the shoes of migrants confronting obstacles, guided by supplied prompts and scenarios.

- Building empathy maps to visualise migrants' experiences, feelings, and barriers.

Storytelling Circle

- Share personal migration experiences in a safe environment.

- Discussions focus on common themes and human rights issues raised by the stories.

Role-Playing Simulation

In groups, participants are assigned different roles (e.g., government officials, migrants, NGOs, local community members) and work through a migration-related scenario, making judgements that adhere to human rights values, followed by a debriefing session to reflect on the issues and consider alternate ways.

Interactive Case Studies

- Analysis of real-life cases of human rights breaches during migration.

- Collaboration in small groups to identify human rights issues, develop advocacy methods, and present their findings and recommendations for group debate.

Upcoming Sessions

Note: If you are a group of 4 or more people from the same organization and you don’t see any dates that suit your group, send us an e-mail with the proposed dates and we will make the appropriate arrangements for you!
Start DateEnd Date
May 20, 2024May 24, 2024
June 3, 2024June 7, 2024
July 1, 2024July 5, 2024
April 8, 2024September 12, 2024
December 9, 2024December 13, 2024
February 10, 2025February 14, 2025
March 10, 2025March 14, 2025
March 31, 2025April 4, 2025
May 12, 2025May 16, 2025
June 30, 2025July 4, 2025
July 14, 2025July 18, 2025
August 4, 2025August 8, 2025
September 15, 2025September 19, 2025
October 20, 2025October 24, 2025
November 17, 2025November 21, 2025
December 8, 2025December 12, 2025

Course Packages


€ 400
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
Suitable to participants who choose to handle their own transportation


€ 450
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
All Lunches
Suitable to participants who choose to handle their own transportation


€ 880
Training Material
Administration Costs
Beverages & Snacks
Certificate of Attendance
All Lunches
Daily Transportation: Hotel - Venue - Hotel
Value for Money 2* Hotel Room (5 days – 4 nights)
Breakfast Buffet
Complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and snacks (24/7)

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Fill out the form below to express your interest or ask any questions you may have. Our training coordinator will get back to you with more information and the application process. We look forward to assisting you and having you join our program!

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Talk To Us!

Fill out the form below to express your interest or ask any questions you may have. Our training coordinator will get back to you with more information and the application process. We look forward to assisting you and having you join our program!