

Α blended learning programme for competence development beyond pure professional skills


With Competence+, we want to offer training opportunities for VET students and employees of public transportation in four different areas:

  1. Environmental awareness

  2. Conflict awareness

  3. Moral courage

  4. Stress management

By empowering them to initiate concrete changes, to initiate rethinking and to optimize their own actions, they will not only be able to participate directly in their workplace, but also to take part in the development of their own work.

The aim of the project is to create an advanced training platform that both trainees and employees in public transport can use to further their education. The course concept includes both eLearning and classroom training. A special feature of Competence+ is that virtual reality scenarios are created that enable learners to directly apply and test their newly acquired competences and skills.

The project also includes an application manual for instructors and trainers who want to use or adapt Competence+ themselves.