COOPCITIES- Urban Cities Global Challenges Faced Due To COVID Pandemic-Erasmus


Learning From Urban Cities Sustainable Solutions To Deal With The Global Challenges Faced Due To COVID Pandemic

Cities around the world have been affected by the global outbreak of coronavirus with the pandemic quickly exposing countries’ fragile social fabric. The multidimensional nature of the pandemic has left an indelible mark on the outlook of the cities and has led to rethinking cities’ development in different dimensions – social, cultural, economic, and environmental. Being at the forefront, cities have played a central role in the global response to the ongoing pandemic (UNESCO Cities Platform, 2020).

More than ever, in such a challenging time, the collaboration of urban actors (including mayors, local policymakers, city council members, professionals and practitioners, NGOs, international institutions, city decision-makers) should be leveraged to strengthen cooperation among cities and reinforce ties between people and communities (Pazarbasioglu &Ayhan Kose, 2020).

Cities should be mobilised to further enhance solidarity, cooperation, and collaboration by sharing valuable information, including their innovative measures and good practices taken before and during coronavirus, being implemented to cope with the global challenge that we are all currently facing and work towards building environmentally balanced, sustainable and resilient cities of today and tomorrow (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2020).

Project Objectives

The project’s mission is to develop the skills and competences of diverse urban actors in being capable of responding to unexpected challenges. In this framework, the project aims to develop an innovative training model for VET trainers/educators to assist them to acquire the skills and competences on how to deal, in their cities, with the unexpected global challenges faced, e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic.

The training model will be combined with training materials with digital means, i.e serious game and e-learning portal, video narratives, digital case study report cards, all available as an OER in the project’s e-learning portal.

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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.


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