
ABA platform development

The Development of a Digital Management Platform and App for ABA Therapists


The project aims to streamline the activity of ABA therapists by developing digital innovative tools and improving training and therapy methods. The project has been developed as to corroborate the Erasmus + priorities with the projects objectives, activities and results. The process of thought to correlate and reach the program’s priorities was as it follows: Reaching the Horizontal priority of the program – Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity will be done by implementing the project’s activities, especially WP4 – Development of the Digital Management Platform and App. This will lead to the reach of project’s objectives M.O, SO.1, SO.3 and SO.4. (as detailed into the context section of the project proposal) and to the projects results (described into the outcomes and project results section).

The development of the innovative digital tools will see to address the transformation of target group participants’ work and to reach beyond that – as a tangential result the implementation of this activates will facilitate and speed the therapy process of autistic children. Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training and improving quality assurance in vocational education and training – the consortium seeks to reach this priorities by implementing the project’s activities, especially WP3 Developing and/or improving new models of work for ABA therapists and the C1 training activity. By this it assures the reaching of the following objective the following objectives: M.O, SO.1, SO.2 and SO.4 (as detailed into the context section of the project proposal) and to the projects results (described into the outcomes and project results section). During the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, autistic children couldn’t attend their therapy sessions which resulted in their regression. Children that were showing improvement by socializing with other children and speaking, came back to therapy to showing regression to the period prior to the treatment: lacking socializing skills and not communicating. When realizing the analysis for the project proposal the partners found out that there is no central recording of ASD cases in many EU Member State and there are very few epidemiological studies on ASD on which to make appropriated predictions. Statistical data regarding the situation of autistic children were found only for US, UK and Ireland, this being the reason for which the consortium finds it necessary to elaborate a study that will gather statistical data in partner countries